Thursday, 9 July 2015

Grandma and the cane

Grandma and the cane
by scorpion

It was 1973, and back in those days, which I call the spanking years, corporal punishment could be found everywhere. In schools, at your neighbor’s house, family gatherings, and of course, at home. But not at my home. Well not really that is. Sure my sister and I got the occasional smack on the butt from time to time, but we never received the good old fashioned, over the knee bare bottom spankings like some of our friends told us about. Our parents tried to use the more refined style of discipline, such as being grounded or having privileges taken away instead of the brutality of a spanking. Even though they were both spanked when they were younger. I guess they just thought they were being smarter than the other parents who blistered their kids’ bottoms at the drop of a hat. Who would think this could possibly change my life in such a dramatic way.